Chris Joyce
2 min readApr 14, 2021


You have the doubt.
I have the bout.
Let’s make lots of money.

My CMO is negative all the time.

My CTO is killing every idea and sucking my energy dry.

I feel like I’m pulling my sales director up the mountain non-stop both ways.

Just a few of the conversations I’ve been having this week with Founders.

When creating a company in the beginning stages and building a startup team, one of the hardest lessons to learn as a Founder is when to let someone go.
Well, I’m going to share with you a very simple phrase I learned when I was 16 years old, as the second shift chef, say that 10 ten times quickly, for a place called Kenny’s Cakes and Steaks in Huber Heights, Ohio.
This phrase has never failed me….and it goes like this…

When in doubt, throw out.
When in doubt, throw out.
When in doubt, throw out.

It applies to an over easy egg that cracks when it hits the grill, and it applies to a team member that cracks and shows their true character and what they’re REALLY made of.

If you’re in doubt, throw them out. Right now. Don’t let the door hit them on the ass.

As a Founder, there’s only one person that can’t be replaced on your team. And guess who that is? Damn right, you. ( **In the VERY beginning…. that doesn’t hold true later, ok**)

The second you get rid of the negative, the good momentum, the good team members, the company itself, will perform at a much higher level. And just as importantly, when you do get rid of them, almost every damn time, a new team member shows up out of the blue that is exactly what you are looking for and exactly what you need.

Your time is limited. And that time is valuable. Don’t hesitate…

When in doubt, throw out.

