Chris Joyce
2 min readMar 17, 2021


It takes money to make money, right?
We’ve all heard it. So it’s gotta be true, right?
Let me show you something real quick…it’s a manufacturing run.
It’s a little bit grainy because it was a video sent to me on a text message and you can’t see great detail but you’ll get the gist.

So why did I show you a video of a manufacturing run?

It takes money to make money, right?

It’s Complete and utter B.S.

That video was the first manufacturing run of one of our Gusher companies. Total money invested…$0

I have a Deal Rule…Deal Rule 20…

Good Deal First…Money Second
Good Deal First…Money Second
Good Deal First…Money Second

Money in the beginning makes you weak. It makes the idea and execution suck. When you don’t have money in the beginning of a startup you have the gift of perfect clarity. You know what’s important because you have the gift of priorities. You have limited time, limited assets, limited resources in every way. Therefore you MUST concentrate on what is important or you will go away VERY quickly. You MUST concentrate on what will get penetration, proof of concept, traction,..the important things…and do it without money. You MUST develop the idea, the philosophy, the story to get people and companies involved, …without money.

If you don’t have money be thankful…because…

It forces you to think creatively.
It forces you to make solutions that actually work.
It forces you to use the greatest tool there is…
YOU, your mind, your ability.

A good deal comes first and then the money. Successful Founders create the good deal first.

And that company in the video. Yeah, they just got investors right after that manufacturing run.

Good deal first. Money second.

